Strength Types
Note: When doing lymphatic drainage I am not concerned with how strong the compression is. It must be enough pressure so there is no back flow. If the pressure is just right but there are gaps or non overlaps in the compression sleeve, there can be back flow. There are only a few brands out there that have this.
Some compression machines can have too much pressure while not balanced, like way too much pressure on the sides of the feet, like on the big toe and pinky toe where it mashes them together. Some are more balanced in that the pressure is spread out all over the foot, including the bottom.
Usually athletes will use the highest pressure settings. On a Normatec or Bao compression at 110 to 140mmhg, it is not something most people can handle for an entire session, even if the sleeve was infused.
The really powerful and balanced machines will go very deep. If trying to get deep circulation the higher strengths can do it. (saphenous, perforator veins)
Note: some of the really cheap machines can go to 100 mmhg but the sleeves are not built to withstand that pressure for long times. If a machine has a 90 day warranty that is a big red flag to me.
Also if the pressure is too high and not balanced (some brands have presets that have the highest pressure in the feet and much less pressure in the 4th chamber), then it can cut off oxygen during the session. Many times people go through really intense sessions and at the end of the session their foot or leg has fallen asleep. It takes a few minutes to get rid of that pins and needles feel when the nerves start getting blood flow again. The goal is to increase circulation, not cut if off. So many people use these wrong and complain that don't either have the right machine or don't know how to use them. Usually pressures beyond 80 mmhg can cause this circulation issue and give that foot falling asleep feeling after the session. Sessions that use around 60 to 80 mm have just enough pressure but not too much to cut off the oxygen supply. And for lymphatic, even lower can be better. For lymph drainage, I use only enough pressure to work my skin as the lymph vessels are just under the skin and don't need a lot of pressure to move the lymph. As long as the sleeve is built so there is no back flow I am fine.
Note: for low strength sessions, getting more inflation cycles per session is better when I use these for lymph drainage. If the compression sleeve is built so that there is no back flow it can speed up the lymph movement much faster.
Some machines are really powerful but are not balanced. Some people will never use the maximum power so having just enough and the right type of sleeve will make the right fit.
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Warnings on higher pressure:
Note: on brands that go to very high pressures (usually over 100mmHg). The higher pressures many people are using can decrease venous flow instead of increasing circulation. I urge certain people to know their diastolic blood pressure so the machine will always be set at least 15% below that. Many of the higher end models will let you customize and set the pressure level to the exact pressure based on what your diastolic pressure is that day.
Note: many people that go to higher pressures are working on fibrosis type conditions.